
Writing and Recording

I've written and very poorly demoed 4 songs in the last 2 months. That's more than...ever I think. I also have weeks at church when I don't put a band together. So, I will start making beats and whatnot to back myself Metro Station style. This week I tried it with Here Is Our King and the kids liked it. I also liked it and how it turned out. So, if you follow this link you can hear what I've been up to lately. Don't mind the terrible quality on the recordings please. (hurray for built in mic and Garage Band)

"Charlemaigne" fun

btw, John Harder and I did a photo shoot sorta thing for his resume and I happily obliged...or my vanity did... ;) Just wanted to drop a name for the pic above. Thanks y'all.


Be Still

Kinda freaky..and weird. Especially because I'm in the video...I hate that part haha. But, I'm proud of a few cool editing points. I hope you like.

Still from Phill Grooms on Vimeo.

When you go to the house of God

"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong."
-Ecclesiastes 5

"Careful now, you'll hurt yourself...you'll hurt someone else."

It's bad enough to go into the house of God with a blank or distracted heart. It seems far worse to go that way as a leader. At times, I am sure I get in the way of God being glorified on Sundays. Sad and scary thought.